Dear family,
Amidst the current crisis, it is not appropriate for us to act as though we are in a corona-virus free world.
We have decided not to have our annual DHO meeting in June. We are planning to postpone this meeting for a year, until June 27-Jul 2, 2021 at Alton Collins, near Portland, OR.
This decision was not an easy one and was made to protect those of us who are elderly, or have a compromised immune system, as well as those of us who would have to travel long distances to attend. It would be a great sadness to have our gathering become an unintentional vector for further infection.
We have also cancelled our annual Schnede gathering in Germany and are restricting physical participation in our Sunday Healing Service.
To keep our connections going and to continue being of service in this time of great need, various online Healing Services have been taking place. If you are open to others joining, it would be wonderful to develop a list of these so that all of us from all around the world can attend. Please send your information to Murad.
Remember to follow our Elders’ advice: Stay centered in your heart, watch your breath, maintain proper sanitary precautions, and use this opportunity to practice practice practice what we have been studying, teaching and reading about for years.
Yours in Service to the Real
and, until we meet again Bodisattvas,
Hakim Saul-uddin
March 19, 2020Virginia